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What italian people loves and hates

Open meetings when serious like to make fun of ... but because looks good, so it would not recruit people hate.

Easy to make fun of the Germans, I do not know if that is not characteristic of the Italian people. When calculating the purchase price, the other group of people in the class have been considered a good answer, but the Italian people group that is asked and so began to count, the results of German professor asked, "Italians now You do not use a calculator? "

Really too enthusiastic. I'm going to the San Siro stadium in Milan, ask not communicate in English. Then the San Siro while doing a play action, bald old man immediately said "Si!" And then took me to chase a tram about to drive away.

Girls particularly enthusiastic. When in Verona, whether it is to ask the way, waiting for a train, rest, or try to eat sample ice cream shop, and much more powerful than I companion.

It is like marked Modiano cards, many poker player like to ask where did you buy the an-ti poker cheat machine like the poker analyzer with the barcode marked cards.

Too fond of their country of. Italy asked a classmate, which the city is a must go, and he gave me a list of the Alps to Naples from the list of about 10 cities. Of course, I basically go a la carte, and it took me a month's time. Of course, really must go.

Further south in Naples, he said, "No, no, there's too dangerous, bad."